A professional editor will proofread the localized version of your website or app in order to ensure a perfect translation. The editor, like the translator, will be a native speaker of the target language.
The editor will proofread the translation, checking it against all rules of spelling, punctuation, and style in the target language.
We can perform professional linguistic testing for your website or app. Our linguists with testing experience will check the localization language in context and also report UI and functionality bugs.
Localization done poorly can sometimes lead to buttons that don't click, links that lead to wrong pages, menus that don't work correctly, wrong sorting order in pop-down lists, and other issues.
We will also look for strings that are still in the source language, check encoding including the readability of the font and how characters such as diacritic marks or ideograms are displayed.We can also help create website localization and app localization test cases and define the scope of linguistic testing activities.
Our translators are native speakers who have experience in translations. We have the following general requirements for our translators:
Each translator performs a test translation of about 500 words. The test consists of the translation of software strings and a marketing text. The software strings consist of code, variables, and tags. We also check the creativity of the translation in the test jobs for game projects. We also pay attention to how the translator performs the assignment, including the speed of communication and compliance with deadlines.
Editors check each test. They use a "Translation Quality Index" to grade tests. This is a quality assessment model that was created by LISA (Localization Industry Standards Association). The approach is based on a quantitative assessment of errors: errors are divided into categories, and each error is weighted. Then the weighted total number of errors is subtracted from 100. Our usual passing index is 98.
If the translator passes the test, then we request feedback from other companies that have worked with them.
After the translator joins our pool, we check their first three assignments. If there are no mistakes, then we continue our cooperation. If the quality is low, then we correct these translations and no longer work with the translator.
In addition, during the course of our cooperation, we perform spot checks on the translator's work. We also collect and analyze feedback from editors who perform proofreading at the client's request. These translations are also evaluated using a "translation quality index".
In addition, every month we interview clients for whom we have delivered translations. We ask them to evaluate the quality of our services on a ten-point scale and to provide comments. These surveys help us find weaknesses.
We translate into more than 100 languages, including the most popular (English, Quebec French, Standard French, Chinese, Japanese, German, Spanish), and rarer ones, and even dialects. If you would like to calculate the cost of your project, please, request a quote.
We can find a translator in almost any language that the client needs, depending on his product and goals. Sometimes localization into niche languages can offer better prospects than localization into mainstream languages.
In case some rare language is not on our list, we can help with searching and recruiting linguists.